Age old marketing practices are gradually
adopting technological developments to improve their efficiency. Of late,
information and communication technology entered agricultural marketing in
a big way. Policy makers aim at sustainable efficiency of marketing which can
meet the demands of all the stakeholders.
However, agricultural marketing
being a highly dynamic, several issues distort the process. Therefore , a
careful vigil at the ongoing marketing mechanism is important and protect
its efficiency with the help of past experiences. Thus a constant learning,
evolving corrective measures, monitoring the ongoing situation are envisaged
to enable marketing to contribute to the farm economy and national income.
Simultaneously, marketing should alien with new dimensions of organic
farming, contract farming, group farming and gobalization to sustain its
growth. Since individuals and institutions at different levels are dealing with
the subject of agricultural marketing in the country, a unified platform was felt
necessary to discuss and document the situation to benefit the scholars, policy
makers, administrator, bankers, processors and practitioners.
With this back
ground, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing was proposed to be instituted.
On 31st January,1986, the formation of the Society was announced during
the National Seminar on FCV Tobacco at Guntur. The Society was registered
under Societies Registration Act 1821, at Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. Since
1987, the Society started to publish a research journal “ Indian Journal of
Agricultural Marketing”.